The Gryphon's Beak

July, 2019


Flag Sends

I have been thinking a lot about command triads recently. And I have noticed that a lot of the problems with getting new chapters up and running is a lack of people willing to serve as XO or Bosun.

It is interesting, because in some ways, those two roles can be covered by the CO, sometimes without missing a beat. It would seem to be the easiest part of the triad to fill, right?

Weirdly, no. When it comes to the XO role, it doesn’t seem like there is a ‘I want to be in charge or not involved’ mentality happening, just a…disinterest. Likewise with the Bosuns. No one is refusing to take the role because they want to form a new chapter of their own. There just isn’t interest.

What can we do to address that? And what can we do to mitigate it when someone wants to step down?

I think we need to develop a cadre of qualified officers to fill in roles when needed. Officers willing to step up to, for a time, be the replacement XO or Bosun until the chapter can fill the role permanently.

What do you think of this as an idea? Would you be interested in joining such a group, and potentially assisting fellow Gryphons you may never meet?

If so, send a quick email saying you are interested and willing, and I will add you to the Cadre, and we can begin planning how to develop ourselves and out fleet-mates into first class leaders.

Join the Leadership Cadre

7 + 15 =

Comings & Goings

Effective13 June 2019, Her Majesty’s Light Attack Craft SCYTHE, LAC-030, is hereby COMMISSIONED. Scythe is a Shrike B-class Light Attack Craft assigned to the 62nd LAC Wing and is based in Portage, IN.

Lieutenant Commander Rex Hood, Jr., RMN: you are hereby directed and required to proceed aboard HMLAC Scythe, there to take upon yourself the duties and responsibilities of Commanding Officer. Fail not in this charge at your peril.

The following personnel are assigned to HMLAC Scythe:

  • LCDR Rex Hood, Commanding Officer
  • S1C Tiffany Kampersal, Bosun
  • PO1 Joshua Binder
  • PO1 Jeff LeCouris
  • PO1 Amanda Ritthaler
  • PO1 David Haas
  • S1C Jeffrey Cluff
  • S1C Frank Gallagher
  • S2C Phil Herrold
  • S2C Samantha White
  • S3C Rian Cartmell
  • S3C Feral Minette

Tiffany Kampersal is brevetted to the grade of E-7 CHIEF PETTY OFFICER with the commissioning of this vessel.

Welcome to Gryphon Fleet, and best wishes to LAC and crew for good hunting!


Effective 17 June 2019, Her Majesty’s Light Attack Craft FARAWAY QUEST, LAC-031, is hereby COMMISSIONED. Faraway Quest is a Shrike B-class Light Attack Craft assigned to the 62nd LAC Wing and is based in Goshen, IN.

Petty Officer 3rd Class Jeff Alan Smith, RMN: you are hereby directed and required to proceed aboard HMLAC Faraway Quest, there to take upon yourself the duties and responsibilities of Commanding Officer. Fail not in this charge at your peril. You are brevetted to the rank of O-3 LIEUTENANT SENIOR GRADE with the commissioning of this vessel.

The following personnel are assigned to HMLAC Faraway Quest:

  • LTSG Jeff Alan Smith, Commanding Officer
  • PO3 Stephen Miller, Bosun
  • S1C Jason Greene
  • S1C Jerome Udongo
  • S2C Randy Smith
  • S3C Richard Krouser

Stephen Miller is brevetted to the grade of E-7 CHIEF PETTY OFFICER with the commissioning of this vessel.

Welcome to Gryphon Fleet, and best wishes to LAC and crew for good hunting!


Welcome to LCDR Rex Hood, Task Force 22’s new Training Officer!

Fleet Staff Needed

With the change in command, the following Fleet positions are open, and in need of filling:

Deputy CO

This is a Commodore (F1) position.

The DCO is there to serve as a backstop for the CO, and take over in the event of the CO’s absence.

In practical matters, the DCO will serve as the filter for the CO – handling issues that may arise, as possible, and keeping the CO informed when issues do arise. This position is, hopefully, a .5 ‘hat’ position, but may rise to be a full ‘hat’, as regards the 2 Hat Rule.

Chief Of Staff

This is a Captain (O6 A/B) position.

Th Chief of Staff is also a layer of problem solver between the CO and the several ships. The CoS is also the leader of the staff officers, and may be considered as their immediate supervisor. Duties include making sure that reports are tracked and in on time, handling issues that arise in the staff, and generally keeping everything straight with the fleet staff.

Flag Lieutenant

This is a Junior Officer (O1 – O3) position.

The role of the Flag Lieutenant is to, in the words of COL Bryar Nelson, to make sure the CO is on time, and eats something. As an aide-de-camp, the Flag Lieutenant should have qualified as Yeoman, and be available to maintain flag records, schedules (mainly at conventions), and generally keeping track of correspondence and helping set up any meetings that need to happen. This is not a full-time position.

Please note that all rank requirements must be tested to in order to receive appointment to the position.

August Reports

This is a reminder that your Chapter and MarDet reports are due by August 10th. One thing I found amazingly helpful when filling them out was to use an online document (Google Docs, Word Online) to keep things organized as they happened. Then, when the reporting month hit, I could just copy and paste them into the reports form, and be done. No trying to remember what happened two months ago at the last minute!

Marines – you now have a new online form to fill out for Bi-Monthly reports. The link is below. It will send the reports to your command triad, your Ship’s CO and to ComForceCom. Please use this form to send in your report that is due on June 5th.

There is only one stipulation with the form at this time. Please do not use autofill. Autofill does not work properly and that information is deleted in the report. You can copy and paste information into the report but forgo the autofill function.

Upcoming Events

SpikeCon (Manticon 2019)

Layton, Utah July 4-7, 2019


Minneapolis, MN July 4-7, 2019


Indianapolis, IN July 5-7, 2019


St Cloud, MN September 21-22, 2019


Lombard, IL November 15-17, 2019

Fleet events listed in bold. Admiralty in bold-italic.

Have your ship, echelon, or fleet upcoming events promoted here!

We just need the event name and date sent to! We want to promote you!

Posters like this are available (TF-levels are pre-approved!), as are Gryphon & Planet posters, and more! Send over a request and email, and your posters will be emailed (or cloud-drive links will be) straight away!

Award Reminder

If you have submitted an award request, and have not heard back within a week or so, please contact the Awards Office directly to check the status.

While it is usually pretty solid, sometimes the form gets peckish, and eats a request. Also, when many things are going at once, they can get overloaded.

The Awards Office can be reached at:

Promotion Reminder

I want to remind all COs to check Medusa at least monthly to send in promotions, and see who is eligible for boards. Promoting is easy with the current system, and literally just takes a few clicks.

I also want to encourage a ‘must promote’ mindset for all non-board promotions. I am sure this isn’t an issue for anyone in Fleet, but want to be sure it gets said officially.

Who the person is, or our opinion of them, doesn’t matter when it’s promotion time. If your members are eligible, we need to be sure they get their promotions in a timely manner.

I know life intrudes. Please take just a few minutes to check your rosters, and promote our people. It’s good for morale, and the right thing to do as CO.

Blood Drive Flyers!

BuComm-Approved blood drive flyers are available!

Each poster is available in 11 x 17 as a form-fillable PDF. Just enter your specific details, and your customized Blood Drive flyer is ready to go!

I want to thank SMAJ Brad Handley, MARDET Ajax, for spearheading the project, coming up with the idea and providing excellent suggestions on changes to the design. There is a ready-to-use version linked below:

Blank TRMN Blood Drive poster
Sample filled TRMN Blood Drive poster
Crossed pulsars

Marksmanship Update

June’s Awards will be announced in the next newsletter. Awards for June will be combined with July. This was due to the timing of the end of the Marksmanship BSC challenge period in May.

June Honors – Awards

A note on Awards:

Announcement of semi-annual awards above Navy Star will be delayed until the awards ceremony at SpikeCon, and should appear in the next newsletter.

Conspicuous Gallantry Medal

CPO Steve Allen Pontious, RMN, HMS Roland
CAPTJG Jeremy Kittleson, RMN, HMS Unicorn
LTJG Patrick Anderson, RMN, HMS Invincible
DOI Wayne Bruns, CIVIL, HMS Invincible

Gryphon Star

RANGER Violet Ann Lapine, SFC, HMS Hotspur

Queen’s Bravery Medal

SMCPO Bill Lochen, RMN, HMS Invincible

Marine Commendation Decoration

COL Bryar Nelson, RMMC, MARDET Invincible

Navy Achievement Medal

CDR Drew A. Drentlaw, RMN, HMS Invincible

Manticoran Combat Action Medal

7th Award

CDR Richard Davenport, GSN, HMS Death Claw

2nd Award

LTJG Richard Sams, RMN, HMS Merlin
CDR Thomas Hathaway, RMN, HMS Ajax

1st Award

S2C David J Levi, GSN, HMS Enterprise
ENS Jim McCoy, RMN, HMS Ajax

NCO Senior Course Ribbon

SCPO Alexander Jones, RMN, HMS Musashi

Aerospace Solo Wings

LCDR Rex Hood, RMN, HMS Demon

Aerospace Basic Observer Wings, Officer

CDRE Sherman Day RMN, HMS Demon

Enlisted Space Warfare Pin

PO3 Martin Levita, RMN, HMS Hellhound

June Honors – Promotions

Congratulations are extended to the following members on the occasion of their promotions as noted.

HMS Ajax

  • Jim McCoy to Lieutenant, JG, effective 14 June, 2019

HMS Borzoi

  • Ron Logeto Petty Officer 1st Class, effective 16 June, 2019

HMS Demon

  • Tiffany Marie Kampersal to Spacer 1st Class, effective 11 June, 2019

  • Samuel Dietzmann to Spacer 2nd Class, effective 11 June, 2019

  • Marc Malnekoff to Spacer 2nd Class, effective 11 June, 2019

  • Jeffrey Schuler to Spacer, effective 11 June, 2019

HMS Enterprise

  • Michael Bodie to HptGefr (E-3), effective 15 June, 2019

  • Curt Reynolds to Spacer 2nd Class, effective 25 June, 2019

HMS Galahad

  • Tasia Russell to Administrator (C-5), effective 17 June, 2019

HMS Gryphon

  • William B Combs to Petty Officer 2nd Class, effective 17 June, 2019
  • Roger Lee Wathen Jr to Lance Corporal, effective 17 June, 2019
  • Randy Dale Smith to Spacer 2nd Class, effective 17 June, 2019
  • Roger Lee Wathen Sr to Private First Class, effective 17 June, 2019
  • Leslie Hicks to Petty Officer 2nd Class, effective 17 June, 2019
  • John Ryan Chambers to Spacer 2nd Class, effective 17 June, 2019
  • Lynette RF Cowper to Lance Corporal, effective 17 June, 2019

HMS Juno

  • Phillip Reigstad to Lance Corporal, effective 4 June, 2019

HMS Musashi

  • Leo Rogers to Petty Officer 2nd Class, effective 6 June 2019
  • James Wendler to Petty Officer 2nd Class, effective 6 June 2019

SMLAC Arminius

  • Nora Agnes to HptGefr (E-3), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Johnny Frazier to HptGefr (E-3), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Neev Granite to HptGefr (E-3), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Henryk Hinkle-ZaleskiJr to HptGefr (E-3), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Matthew Lyons to HptGefr (E-3), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Mike Ridlon to HptGefr (E-3), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Alyssa Short to HptGefr (E-3), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Stanton Smale to HptGefr (E-3), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Aaron Takeda to HptGefr (E-3), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Charles Asbury to OGefr. (E-2), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Sarah Cade to OGefr. (E-2), effective 31 May, 2019
  • David Chapman to OGefr. (E-2), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Matthew Ivanovich to OGefr. (E-2), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Tom Montez to OGefr. (E-2), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Rian Niemi to OGefr. (E-2), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Becky Timmins to OGefr. (E-2), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Samuel Wensko to OGefr. (E-2), effective 31 May, 2019
  • Zack Wensko to OGefr. (E-2), effective 31 May, 2019

Fleet Command & Staff Information

CO, Gryphon Fleet

CO, Gryphon Fleet

Rear Admiral of the Red
Geoffrey Strayer
XO, Gryphon Fleet

XO, Gryphon Fleet

Bosun, Gryphon Fleet

Bosun, Gryphon Fleet

Senior Master Chief Intelligence Mate
Kevin Walsh, NS, QBM

Flag Captain


JAG Ombudsman

Captain Larry Dale French Sr

Intelligence Specialist

Lieutenant Commander David Oliver Kling

Personnel Officer

Captain (SG)
Jamey Salsberg

Training Officer

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Derek Firehawk Sauls

Range Officer

Senior Master Chief Intelligence Mate
Kevin Walsh, NS, QBM

RMACS Liaison

Christina Swanson

Gryphon Fleet Order of Battle

Task Force 21

Covering Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Task Group 21.1 shoulder patch

Task Group 21.1

LAC Wing 30

HMLAC Gungnir, Willmar, MN
HMLAC Superior, Duluth, MN
SMLAC Arminius, Minneapolis, MN

Battle Squadron 1

HMS Imperatrix (SD-457), Minneapolis, MN
HMS Invincible (SD-455), Plymouth, MN
HMS Valkyrie (SD-355), Minneapolis, MN

Destroyer Squadron 265

HMS Javelin (DD-264), Big Lake, MN
HMS Lodestone (DD-64), Elk River, MN
HMS Merlin (CA-270), St. Cloud, MN
HMS Peregrine (DD-1291), Winnipeg, MB

Independent Commands

HMS Hellhound (DD-446), St. Paul, MN
HMS Juno (BC-726), Willmar, MN
HMS Leonidas (BC-584), Grand Forks, ND
HMS Unicorn (CLAC-30), Rochester, MN

Task Group 21.2 shoulder patch

Task Group 21.2

Independent Commands

HMS Borzoi (DD-438), River Falls, WI
HMS Gawain (DD-481), Madison, WI
HMS Musashi (BC-775), Milwaukee, WI

Task Force 22

Covering Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and the Lower Peninsula of Michigan

Task Group 22.1 shoulder patch

Task Group 22.1

LAC Wing 62

GSNLAC Lilla Björn, Marquette, MI
HMLAC Faraway Quest, Goshen, IN
HMLAC Scythe, Portage, Indiana

Independent Commands

HMS Apollo (CL-80), Lafayette, IN
HMS Demon (CLAC-62), Hammond, IN
HMS Gryphon (SD-153), Indianapolis, IN
HMS Hotspur (DD-02), Rantoul, IL
HMS Wolfhound (DD-437), Mt. Prospect, IL
Task Group 22.2 shoulder patch

Task Group 22.2

Cruiser Division 711

HMS Death Claw (CA-437), Cincinnati, OH
HMS Hexapuma (CA-412), Mount Vernon, IN
HMS Sabrepike (CA-417), Franklin, OH

Independent Commands

HMS Galahad (DD-478), Columbus, OH
Task Group 22.2 shoulder patch

Task Group 22.3

Independent Commands

HMS Ajax (BC-545), Windsor, Ontario
HMS Beowulf (BC-739), Lansing, MI
HMS Enterprise (BC-480), Rochester Hills, MI
HMS Roland (DD-476), Toledo, OH