2nd (Gryphon) Fleet
The Royal Manticoran NavyWelcome to The Second Naval District
Gryphon Fleet
Second Fleet was established in 2011 through Naval Directive 11FB-03, which appointed Antonio Lopes to the position of Commanding Officer of Second Fleet and Second Naval District and brevetted him to the rank of Rear Admiral of the Red.
Operations commenced on 30 August, 2011 with the commissioning of the fleet’s first ship, HMS Merlin (CA-270) in Minneapolis, founded and commanded by then – Captain j.g. John Neitz. 30 August is still observed annually as “Gryphon Fleet Day,” and HMS Merlin bears the title “First in Second Fleet.”
John Neitz relieved Admiral Lopes in August, 2014; and retained fleet command until handing it off on June 1, 2019. In that time, Gryphon Fleet saw explosive growth, and truly earned the designation ‘Second to None’.
Gryphon Fleet is currently commanded by Rear Admiral of the Red Geoffrey Strayer, and has expanded to 28 hyper-capable ships, and 5 LACs.
Gryphon Fleet Command Team

Vice Admiral of the Red John Neitz
CO, 2nd (Gryphon) Fleet
Click for Full Bio
Vice Admiral of the Red Christopher Thompson, Baron Calabasas
CO, 2nd (Gryphon) Fleet
Deputy Fleet Commander
Senior Master Chief Petty Officer Kevin Walsh
Fleet Bosun
Previous Second Fleet Commanding Officers
Vice Admiral of the Red John Neitz, Earl Westmarch – Click for Full Bio
Fleet Communications
Fleet Order 2007-B
To: All TRMN PersonnelFrom: Commanding Officer, 2nd FleetRe: Appointment of Fleet Medical NCOIC, Second Fleet GRYPHON FLEET ORDER 2007-B, 01JUL2020 Effective 01 July, 2020, Petty Officer 2nd Class Steven Bobula is hereby appointed to the position of Fleet...
Fleet Order 2007-A
To: All TRMN PersonnelFrom: Commanding Officer, 2nd FleetRe: Appointment of Flag Lieutenant, Second Fleet GRYPHON FLEET ORDER 2007-A, 01JUL2020 Effective 01 July, 2020, Ensign Kerry Kuhn, KDE is hereby appointed to the position of Flag Lieutenant, Second Fleet....
Fleet Order 2006-C
To: All TRMN personnelFrom: Commanding Officer 2nd FleetRe: Awarding of the Queen's Bravery Medal GRYPHON FLEET ORDER 2006-C During the Covid-19 quarantine April through May, almost every day SSG David ISAAK...