The Gryphon's Beak
October, 2022Table of Contents
- Flag Sends
- Comings & Goings
- HMS Unconquered Nominations
- Report Reminder
- MARCON 2023
- Zero Hat Positions
- Upcoming Events
- Marksmanship Update
- Gryphon’s Wings Fleet Relief Project
- August & September Honors – Awards
- August & September Honors – Promotions
- Fleet Contacts
- Order of Battle
- Echelon Command Contacts
Printable PDF
Flag Sends
Worldcon was a resounding success. I want to thank all the RMN folk who came to town – we had more than 60 members on hand (including the dozen or so new recruits), and that was pretty amazing.
With all that behind us, I want to take some time to talk about what’s next.
MARCON in Columbus OH is the next big thing for Second Fleet. Some of you may have heard that MARCON 2022 was the last one, and it was meant to be, but thanks to the effort of Steward PO3 Anthony Gillian it is back. And yes, we are overjoyed to see one of ours taking this initiative, and I want to encourage everyone who can to get to Columbus, OH over Memorial Day weekend to show our support.
Oh, and David Weber is the Guest of Honor. Did I forget to mention that?
As the planning team gets more solidified, I will be promoting it here. We have a great opportunity to once again show the Webers the hospitality of Second Fleet, and help keep a long-running convention alive.
Let’s top our Worldcon attendance, and show up for our own at MARCON. I’ll see you there!
The Tradition Lives!
Oak Forest

Comings & Goings
Standup of Westmarch Rifles
Attention to Orders:
Effective as of 0001 Hours on 01 September 2022, it is my pleasure and privilege to announce the commissioning of Westmarch Rifles assigned to 2nd Army Fort Gryphon out of Chicago, Illinois .
Lance Corporal John Cauffman, RMN-6726-21, is hereby ordered to take command of Westmarch Rifles. With this order, Lance Corporal Cauffman, you are hereby breveted the rank of Corporal as of 01 September 2002.
The following personnel are hereby transferred and permanently assigned to Westmarch Rifles:
LCPL John Cauffman, RMN-6726-21
CPL Kathleen Culthane, RMN-3196-15
CPL Alan Wigness, RMN-4005-16
SSGT Jerry Keohen, RMN-4577-17
LCPL Mike McCain, RMN 5726-19
In Service to Her Majesty, the Sovereign Queen of the Sta Kingdom of Manticore, Elizabeth III,
General TJ Allen, MC, KR, OE, CGM, QBM, CBM
Adjutant General of the Royal Manticoran Army
King William’s Tower
By Direction of:
Field Marshal John Brice, Jr., QCB, GCE, KR, MG, GS, QBM
Deputy Marshal of the Royal Manticoran Army
King William’s Tower
Matthew Miller KDE, MM, SC, MG, OG, CGM
Marshal of the Army
King William’s Tower
BuShips Directive 2209-02
TO: All Officers, Enlisted, and Civilians within the Star Kingdom of Manticore, as well as those Allied with Her Majesty, the Sovereign Queen, Elizabeth III
FR: RADM Gilwell, Deputy Third Space Lord
RE: Commissioning of HMS Menelaus (BC-569) (BuShips Directive 2209-02)
Attention to Orders:
Effective as of 0001 Hours on 02 SEPTEMBER 2022, it is my pleasure and privilege to announce the commissioning of HMS Menelaus (BC-569). This is an Agamemnon-Class Battle Cruiser and is assigned to the Second Fleet AOR (Champaign-Urbana, IL).
The following personnel are hereby transferred and permanently assigned to HMS Menelaus (BC-569):
• CAPT(SG) Michael Flanagan (Assigned as CO)
• LCDR Debra Fligor (Assigned as XO)
• SMCPO Kevin Walsh (Assigned as Bosun)
• ENS Diana Flanagan
• CPO Ace Fugate
• PO1 Daniel Lapine
• PO1 Jared Hahn
• PO2 Michael Wallis
• PO2 Robert Weagly
• PO2 Everett Miller
• S1C Rebecca Graumlich
• S1C N. Trumpinski
• S1C Brandon Hudson
• S1C Jeffrey Kopec
• S1C John Kincaid III
• S1C Faith Steinburg
• S1C Chad Steinburg
• S1C Evan Jones
• S2C Jae Godric
• S2C Sarah Campbell
• S2C Tamara Holcomb
• S2C Donald Eheart
The following Grayson Space Navy personnel are hereby transferred and permanently assigned to HMS Menelaus (BC-569):
• S1C Danalyn Byle
• S1C Randi Stanton
The following Civilian personnel are hereby transferred and permanently assigned to HMS Menelaus (BC-569):
• C10 Eddy Roberts
• C3 Andrew Graumlich
• C3 Susan Stuper
• C3 Russell Hartley
• C3 Blaine Houle
The following Sphinx Forestry Commission personnel are hereby transferred and permanently assigned to HMS Menelaus (BC-569):
• RGR Violet Lapine
• RGR Raymond Mucha
• RGR Pierce Kreibich
• RGR Elizabeth Wallis
• RGR Deanne Bruns
• SCR Jenna Fligor
• CR2 Duncan Roberts
• CR1 Thomas Roberts
• CR1 Arwen Roberts
Subsequent to the commissioning, HMS Hotspur (DD-02) shall be transferred to the Active Fleet reserves, following an inspection and any repairs deemed necessary. The vessel shall be made available for re-commission at a later date.
In Service to Her Majesty, the Sovereign Queen of the Star Kingdom of Manticore, Elizabeth III,
Issued by:
Zachary White, GCE, KDR, MC
Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN
Bureau of Ships, Deputy Third Space Lord
Baron Gilwell
By Direction:
Christopher Thompson, GCE, MC, OC, KR, SC, NS
Rear Admiral of the Green, RMN
Bureau of Ships, Third Space Lord
Baron Calabasas
Nominations for HMS Unconquered
Greetings ladies and gentlemen of the Grand Alliance,
Pursuant to Admiralty Order 1511-04, the Bureau of Ships is pleased to announce that nominations are now open for the HMS Unconquered’s Class of 2022. Nominations will be accepted at until 2359 CDT (GMT -0500) on 15 October 2022.
Nominations MUST be sent by a Royal Manticoran Naval Commissioned Officer holding the billet of Commanding Officer of a Light Attack Craft, Hyper-Capable Craft, Echelon, Fleet, Bureau, Navy, or Admiralty House. Nominations from allied chapter commanders regarding RMN personnel serving their vessels will also be accepted.
Eligibility requirements for each nominee include:
Nominee must have been a member of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association for at least one year.
Nominee must be a current or previous member of the Royal Manticoran Naval Branch and have served that branch for at least one full year.
Nominees not meeting the above requirements shall be deemed ineligible and dropped from consideration.
Nominees from the Royal Manticoran Marine Corps are handled by the Marshal of the Corps’ Office per AO 1511-04.
Nominees from the Grayson Space Navy are handled by the Office of the High Admiral for the Protector’s Own nomination period, to be announced by the High Admiral.
The ideal nominee has made substantive contributions to the Star Kingdom in the shining example of Edward Saganami, himself. Equivalency in TRMN would be sustained, outstanding contributions with a high quality and service to the Organization as a whole.
The ideal nomination will have detailed information about the nominee and his or her specific contributions between the start of his or her membership up to 30 August 2021 and should include all dates of each action or contribution worthy of nomination. Nominations may also include letters of concurrent recommendation from other ranking officers that bore witness or were directly affected by those contributions.
The Bureau of Ships Committee for HMS Unconquered shall convene beginning 15 October 2022 to consider nominations received thus far. This committee is made up of the senior officers of the Bureau along with the sitting Annual Commanding Officer of Unconquered. The committee will also include representatives from the Bureau of Personnel to advise the committee. Please be advised that this committee shall render decisions based on the strength of the nomination for each nominee; it is therefore important that the nominations be as detailed as possible to provide said nominee with the best possible chance for selection and induction.
Nominations for the billet of Annual Commanding Officer of HMS Unconquered will not be accepted by this Committee. The selection of the Annual Commanding Officer is reserved for the Third Space Lord per Admiralty Order. Any endorsements or recommendations for commanding officer, HMS Unconquered, may be sent directly to the Third Space Lord at
The Unconquered Class of 2022 and their Annual Commanding Officer shall be announced November 1st, 2022. Certificates shall be mailed to the individuals after announcements have been made.
If you should have any questions or require guidance on nominations, please contact, where the senior members of our staff will be happy to provide that information to you.
In Service to Her Majesty, the Sovereign Queen of the Star Kingdom of Manticore, Elizabeth III,
Issued by:
Christopher Thompson, GCE, KDR, MC, OC, SC, NS
Rear Admiral of the Green, RMN
Third Space Lord, Bureau of Ships
The Right Honorable, The Baron Calabasas
Nominations for The Protector’s Own
To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Grayson Space Navy, the Royal Manticoran Forces, Imperial Andermani Navy, Republic of Haven Navy and All Other Members of the Grand Alliance
From: High Admiral James Jones, GSN
Re: Protector’s Own Class of 2021 – Call for Nominations
Here Ye and Pray Attend All Grayson Citizens and All Members of the Grand Alliance:
I am pleased and honored to announce that the nomination period for the Protector’s Own is open, and will remain open until 23:59 EST 18 November 2021 (GMT -0500).
Any person, regardless of rank or branch, may submit nominations for the Protector’s Own.
The requirements for nomination:
Any Grayson may be nominated and considered for their contributions to the Grayson Space Navy and to the TRMN organization as a whole.
Those who are not Grayson may be eligible to be nominated for HMS Unconquered for their exemplary contributions to the TRMN organization as a whole, and nominations for them should be submitted to the Bureau of Ships for inclusion in this year’s deliberation. Nominations will be accepted at until 2359 CDT (GMT -0500) on 15 October 2021.
However, any TRMN member, of any rank and from any branch of service, may be nominated for the Protector’s Own, provided that they have profoundly benefitted, specifically, the Grayson Space Navy. Their nominations may include their contributions to TRMN, but the contributions to the GSN are the paramount requirement of the nomination and the decisive factor for their inclusion and in any deliberation.
It is preferred that the nominees have had at least 1 year in service to TRMN, but that will not be a bar from entry if the nomination thoroughly demonstrates exemplary contributions.
Please be as detailed as possible regarding the contributions of the nominee and how they have benefitted the GSN. Nominations must include the name and rank of the nominator and the full name of the nominee, including rank if known. It should have detailed information about the nominee’s specific contributions to the GSN and, if Grayson, to the TRMN as a whole. Please include dates and events or contributions, when possible. Any supporting documentation will be appreciated in the process and should be included in the nomination as attached files.
Nominations that are not detailed will be considered, but, will make the deliberation process more difficult and may hinder the nominee’s induction.
Please only submit one person per nomination email. Nominators may nominate as many members as they believe are worthy to receive this honor.
Individuals may not nominate themselves.
Please nominate any who you believe are worthy of this honor.
Protector’s Own Committee will be empaneled from current members of the Protector’s Own and members of the Office of the High Admiral. The Committee will begin deliberations on 19 November 2021.
The Command Triad for the Protector’s Own will be decided from all members of the Protector’s Own, including new inductees, except for those who are currently in the Protector’s Own Command Triad.
The Protector’s Own Class of 2021 and its Command Triad will be announced on 21 December 2021, in honor, and as part, of the Protector’s Birthday Celebrations.
Please send all nominations to
Chapter Reports
This is a reminder that your Chapter and MarDet reports are due between the 1st and 10th of every EVEN numbered month. One thing I found amazingly helpful when filling them out was to use an online document (Google Docs, Word Online) to keep things organized as they happened. Then, when the reporting month hit, I could just copy and paste them into the reports form, and be done. No trying to remember what happened two months ago at the last minute!
And a reminder that Marksmanship submissions are due the 20th of the month, so we have time to correlate and get things set for the award issuance.
Marines – you now have a new online form to fill out for Bi-Monthly reports. The link is below. It will send the reports to your command triad, your Ship’s CO and to ComForceCom. Please use this form to send in your report that is due on the 5th.
There is only one stipulation with the form at this time. Please do not use autofill. Autofill does not work properly and that information is deleted in the report. You can copy and paste information into the report but forgo the autofill function.
From one running convention promotion to another! It’s all about the conventions in Second Fleet these days.
MARCON 2023 will be held in Columbus, OH over Memorial Day weekend, and is being run by a member of HMS Vixen. Honestly, this is kind of something I was wanting to explore for several years – a non-TRMN convention run by a TRMN member, so this is great!
What is Marcon? The simplest answer is a weekend of fun. It is where everyone that enjoys movies, books, music, art, science, and everything in between comes together in one place to watch, talk about, dress like, sing, and/or learn from like minded people, be they writers, actors, scientists, artists, professionals of all kinds, or simply fans. MARCON has been running since 1966, and I hope it keeps going.
Of special interest to us is David Weber as GoH. He was last the Guest of Honor 20 years ago, so it is time to return to Columbus for the weekend and show our support!
Zero Hat Positions
BuPers Directive 2208-01: Medusa and 0 Hat Positions
#44787 by David Misener
Mon Aug 29, 2022 12:17 am
To: All Officers, Enlisted, and Civilians in The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc.
From: Fifth Space Lord
Re: MEDUSA and 0 Hat Positions
As of 01 Sept 2022, due to restrictions inside MEDUSA for the number of billet any member can hold we will no longer be including any billets which are 0 hats into member records. By definition 0 hats is almost no work required per month and makes no impact on your ability to hold other positions, therefore because of the limitation on number or open slots per member we cannot afford to have them using one of the limited slots. This does not apply to the position held as part of a local chapter.
If there are any questions about this Directive, please do not hesitate to ask and I or my team will try to answer as best we can.
Robert Farley, Anne Zecca, Michael Lesnick and 3 others liked this
Rear Admiral of the Green David Misener, GCE, KCR, MC, SC, CGM
Fifth Space Lord
TSC Personnelman
Upcoming Events

The Bureau of Planning is excited to announce the launch of ConStack. This cooperative project between BuPlan and BuComm is now a fabulous new tool that puts information about over 2,000 conventions at your fingertips. All members of TRMN and the public can view ConStack at:
If you see that an event is missing or has incorrect information, contact your Fleet’s BuPlan Intel Agent or Branch Liaison and they will get it updated.
Marksmanship Update
By order of CO 2nd Fleet, the following marksmanship awards are issued effective 1 October, 2022:
- PVT Amanda L Miszynski, HMS Vixen
- PO1 Rebecca GARRETT-WARREN, HMS Hellhound
- SMCPON Christopher BAYE, HMS Hellhound
- CPO Frank GINGRICH, HMS Interloper
- PO2 Jeanne Elizabeth KATING. HMS Hellhound
- CPO Martin “Oz” LEVITA, HMS Hellhound
The Tradition Lives!
For CO 2nd Fleet:
Issued by:
Senior Chief Petty Officer, RMN
2nd Fleet Range Officer
Gryphon’s Wings Fleet Relief Project
On May 23rd we launched the Gryphon’s Wings Fleet Relief Project. The response has been overwhelming, and I am humbled by the generosity of our members.
We are currently in the midst of a Global pandemic. However, while we are all in the same storm, we are navigating the waters on different ships. Sometimes these waters will be more than we can handle on our own, and we need an extra hand on deck. We want you to know that the 2nd fleet is here for you.
To that end, we are asking for donations to create an emergency relief fund to be used for TRMN 2nd Fleet members. This fund’s target is to provide immediate short term relief of an urgent crisis. For example: Sending someone grocery money for a weeks worth of groceries (as a lot of food banks are running out of food, short on volunteers, and closing), providing gas money for a week so someone can still travel back and forth providing care-giving to a family member, covering the co-pay cost of a doctors visit, and other small emergency expenses. Anything helps. I am asking for a $5 monthly commitment – the cost of a Starbucks coffee – to assist. Please join me, and those who have already donated, in making TRMN more than just a fan group. Click here, or the banner below, to donate. Meet the Test.
At the same time, we know some are being affected by the effort to combat the virus,including job loss, other reduction of income, medical difficulties, etc. This can result in a tough choice between shelter, transportation, food, or medical care. That is an impossible choice no one should be required to face, and we want to help how we can.
To apply for a Visa Gift Card for you or another member, please click here.
Only the 2nd Fleet CO will see who the requester and/or the potential recipient is. This will never be held against you in any way. We don’t ask for or expect repayment. This is not charity, we are simply keeping the RMN tradition of seeing that a Queen’s Navy is well rested, well fed, and healthy before going into battle. And this is a battle where victory will be measured in not just survivors but in the quality of that survival.
To request assistance, please click here.
Auguat – September Honors – Awards
Knight Commander, Order of King Roger
VADM John NEITZ, RMN HMS Invincible
Knight Commander, Order of The Golden Lion
Deputy Home Secretary Wayne BRUNS, CIVIL HMS Invincible
Manticore Cross
FADM Laura LOCHEN, RMN Admiralty House
Knight, Order of King Roger
Companion, Order of The Golden Lion
Consul Don REISDORPH, CIVIL HMS Valkyrie
Monarch's Thanks
VADM Garret Bitker, RMACS Admiralty House
Queen's Bravery Medal
LTJG Tiffany Marie KAMPERSAL, RMN HMS Hexapuma
LTSG Steve GALPIN, RMN HMS Interloper
CPO Danielle E OSTACH, RMN HMS Demon
Navy Achievement Medal
Royal Meritorious Unit Citation
HMS Interloper
Silesian Anti-Piracy Campaign Medal
Havenite War Campaign Medal
Manticoran Combat Action Medal
10th Award
Recruit Training Ribbon
1LT Mark Edward LLOYD, RMMC MARDET Vixen
Non-Commissioned Officer Senior Course Ribbon
CPO James Matthew FORGIE, RMN HMS Interloper
Ranks on awards are listed at the time of award, and may have changed by publication.
August – September Honors – Promotions
Congratulations are extended to the following members on the occasion of their promotions as noted.

HMS Demon
- Mary R Otto to Spacer 1st Class, effective 25 September, 2022
- Spencer Z Guthrie to Senior Cadet Ranger, effective 25 September, 2022
HMS Helen
- Aaron Oakley Myers to Petty Officer 3rd Class, effective 19 September, 2022
HMS Hexapuma
- Madi Greg to Petty Officer 2nd Class, effective 7 September, 2022
- Jordan Fiedler to Spacer 1st Class, effective 22 September, 2022
- Jay Fiedler to Spacer 1st Class, effective 22 September, 2022
- Thomas Parikka to Spacer 1st Class, effective 22 September, 2022
HMS Interloper
- Lynn J Dickson II to Private First Class, effective 6 September, 2022
- Matthew Davies to Spacer 1st Class, effective 6 September, 2022
- Oksana Comtois to Petty Officer 3rd Class, effective 23 September, 2022
HMS Vixen
- Michael Henry to Spacer 1st Class, effective 10 August, 2022
- Jason Betts to Spacer 2nd Class, effective 10 August, 2022
- Kell M. Abstetar to Lance Corporal, effective 12 September, 2022
- Adam T. Duffy to Lance Corporal, effective 12 September, 2022
- Cristos Bryer to Spacer 1st Class , effective 14 September, 2022
- Veronica Zimowsk V to Spacer 2nd Class, effective 14 September, 2022
- Tiffany Renee Voltz to Civilian Two, effective 14 September, 2022
Fleet Command & Staff Information

CO, Gryphon Fleet
Rear Admiral of the Green Geoffrey Strayer, GCE, KR, SC, OG, CGM, GS
Baron Oak Forest
XO, Gryphon Fleet
Bosun, Gryphon Fleet
Senior Master Chief Intelligence Mate
Kevin Walsh, NS, QBM
Chief of Staff
Captain, Senior Grade Kerry Kuhn
Flag Captain
Captain, Junior Grade Christina Swanson
Flag Lieutenant
Captain Senior Grade Kerry Kuhn
Fleet Medical NCOIC
PO2 Steven Bobula
Intelligence Specialist
JAG Ombudsman
Operations Officer
Lieutenant Commander Patrick Giese
Personnel Officer
Captain (SG)
Jamey Salsberg
Range Officer
Senior Master Chief Intelligence Mate
Kevin Walsh, NS, QBM
RMACS Liaison
Captain, Junior Grade Christina Swanson
Training Officer
Senior Chief Petty Officer
Derek Firehawk Sauls
Gryphon Fleet Order of Battle
Task Force 21
Covering Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Task Group 21.1
Destroyer Squadron 265
HMS Javelin (DD-264), Big Lake, MN
HMS Lodestone (DD-64), Elk River, MN
HMS Merlin (CA-270), St. Cloud, MN
Independent Commands
HMS Hellhound (DD-446), St. Paul, MN
HMS Invincible (SD-455), Plymouth, MN
HMS Intrepid (SD-463), Willmar, MN
HMS Leonidas (BC-584), Grand Forks, ND
HMS Valkyrie (SD-355), Minneapolis, MN
Task Group 21.2
Independent Commands
HMS Borzoi (DD-438), River Falls, WI
HMS Gawain (DD-481), Madison, WI
HMS Musashi (BC-775), Milwaukee, WI
Task Force 22
Covering Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and the Lower Peninsula of Michigan
Task Group 22.1
LAC Wing 62
GSNLAC Lilla Björn, Marquette, MI
HMLAC Scythe, Portage, Indiana
Independent Commands
HMS Apollo (CL-80), Lafayette, IN
HMS Gryphon (SD-153), Indianapolis, IN
HMS Menelaus (BC-569), Rantoul, IL
HMS Samurai (CL-356), Goshen, IN
HMS Wolfhound (DD-437), Mt. Prospect, IL
Task Group 22.3
Cruiser Division 711
HMS Sabrepike (CA-417), Franklin, OH
Independent Commands
HMS Beowulf (BC-739), Lansing, MI
HMS Enterprise (BC-480), Rochester Hills, MI
HMS Galahad (DD-478), Columbus, OH
HMS Helen (BC-570), Fruitport, MI
Task Group 22.4
Independent Commands
HMS Hexapuma (CA-412), Rockford, IL
HMS Interloper (SD-460), Muncie, IN
HMS Vixen (DD-174), Chicago, IL
Echelon Commanders
Task Force 21
Task Group 21.1
CAPTSG Jill McTavish
Destroyer Squadron 265
CAPTSG Paladin Meyer
Task Group 21.2
CAPTJG Timothy Bailey
Task Force 22
CDRE Justin Dupras
Task Group 22.1
CAPTSG Michael Flanagan
Task Group 22.3
CAPTSG Jackie Snedden
Cruiser Division 711
CAPTJG Kevin Johnson
Task Group 22.4
CAPTSG Samuel Dietzmann