To: All TRMN personnel
From: Commanding Officer 2nd Fleet
Re: Gryphon Fleet Event List for 2019 – Addendum

The newly-recommissioned HMS Samurai has proposed operations plans for the following convention, which is hereby designated as a Fleet Level Event for 2019:

September 7-8: Hall of Heroes Comic Con (Elkhart, IN)

Operational leaders are to submit After Action Reports to fleet command, listing all TRMN personnel who performed qualifying volunteer work at the event. These personnel will be eligible for the HAVENITE OPERATIONAL SERVICE MEDAL.

Local leaders recognizing additional tactical opportunities are to apply to fleet command for additions to the above event list.

The Tradition Lives!

Geoffrey Strayer, KDE, KR, SC, CGM, GS
Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN
Commanding Officer, Second (Gryphon) Fleet