To: All Royal Manticoran Navy personnel
From: RADM The Lord Westmarch, MC, KR, DSO, Commanding Officer, Gryphon Fleet.
Re: Award of Prisoner of War Medal, 01-JUN-15 (Fleet Order 1506-A)

Effective 01JUN2015, by my authority as Commanding Officer 2nd Fleet, the following personnel are awarded the PRISONER OF WAR MEDAL for representing The Royal Manticoran Navy as members of the Harisen Daiko, performing at MantiCon 22MAY2015 wearing articles of RMN uniform with the Harisen Daiko uniform:

CAPT (SG) Jill McTavish, HMS Valkyrie
Spacer Scott Grandt, HMS Valkyrie
Spacer Kristin Grandt, HMS Valkyrie
Thank you for representing The Royal Manticoran Navy as ambassadors in this dynamic and unique science fiction taiko group. Well done! The Tradition Lives!

Issued by:
Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN