Naval Directive 19APR-03

Naval Directive 19APR-03

To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Navy and members of the Grand Alliance
From: Laura Lochen, Fleet Admiral of the Red
Re: Task Force 22 Organizational Echelon Additions and Changes (ND 19APR-03)

As of the date of this Order, by my hand, and by the authority of the Sovereign, Queen of Manticore, Elizabeth III, I hereby direct that the following Echelon be created under Task Force 22, Second Fleet, Commodore Sherman Day, Commanding:

Task Group 22.3, Captain (SG) Jackie Snedden, Commanding
Component Units:

HMS Ajax (BC-545) 
HMS Beowulf (BC-739) 
HMS Enterprise (BC-480)
HMS Roland (DD-476)

As of the date of this Order, by my hand, and by the authority of the Sovereign, Queen of Manticore, Elizabeth III, I hereby direct that the following Echelons be modified as follows:

Task Group 22.1, Captain (SG) Michael Flanagan, Commanding
Component Units:

HMS Gryphon (SD-153)
HMS Hotspur (DD-02)
HMS Wolfhound (DD-437) 
HMS Apollo (CL-80) 
HMS Demon (CLAC-62) 

Commander Michael Flanagan is hereby brevetted to the rank of Captain, senior grade, effective immediately.

Task Group 22.2, Captain (SG) Jimmy Nelson, Commanding
Component Units:

Cruiser Division 711 (CruDiv 711): 
HMS Death Claw (CA-437) 
HMS Hexapuma (CA-412) 
HMS Sabrepike (CA-417) 
HMS Galahad (DD-478) 

In addition, I do hereby direct all officers herein named to take charge of their commands and proceed to their assigned patrol area and protect the lives and property of Manticoran citizens and their allies therein. In addition, you will fulfill any other duties as may be assigned by the Second Fleet Commander, his Deputies, and the First Space Lord. This order made under my hand will be effective at the time of posting 19-APR-2019.

Honor of the Queen!

Laura Lochen, KDR, KDE, MC, SC, DSO
Fleet Admiral of the Red, RMN
First Space Lord
Countess, Boundary Waters

Second Fleet Order 1903-A

Second Fleet Order 1903-A

To:All TRMN personnel
From:FSMCPO, 2nd Fleet Staff
Re:Marksmanship Awards, March 2019GRYPHON FLEET ORDER 1903-A, 05MAR2018

By order of CO 2nd Fleet, the following marksmanship awards are issued effective 5 March 2019


  • Mr. Don REISDORPH, HMS Valkyrie


  • S1C Jennifer JONES, HMS Valkyrie


  • Mr. Don REISDORPH, HMS Valkyrie


  • CPO Ana SHIRLEY, HMS Valkyrie

The Tradition Lives!


For CO 2nd Fleet:

” “
Issued by:
Senior Master Chief Petty Officer, RMN
FSMCPO, Second (Gryphon) Fleet