Fleet Order 2007-A

Fleet Order 2007-A

To: All TRMN Personnel

From: Commanding Officer, 2nd Fleet

Re:  Appointment of Flag Lieutenant, Second Fleet


Effective 01 July, 2020, Ensign Kerry Kuhn, KDE is hereby appointed to the position of Flag Lieutenant, Second Fleet. Commensurate with her new duties, she is hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.

Lieutenant Kuhn, repair aboard the flagship to take up your duties, report to the Fleet Chief of Staff, and congratulations on your promotion.

The Tradition Lives!


Geoffrey Strayer, KDE, KR, SC, CGM, GS

Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN

Commanding Officer, Second (Gryphon) Fleet

Fleet Order 2007-A

Fleet Order 2007-B

To: All TRMN Personnel

From: Commanding Officer, 2nd Fleet

Re:  Appointment of Fleet Medical NCOIC, Second Fleet


Effective 01 July, 2020, Petty Officer 2nd Class Steven Bobula is hereby appointed to the position of Fleet Medical NCOIC, Second Fleet. 

PO Bobula, repair aboard the flagship to take up your duties, and report to the Fleet Chief of Staff.

The Tradition Lives!


Geoffrey Strayer, KDE, KR, SC, CGM, GS

Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN

Commanding Officer, Second (Gryphon) Fleet

Fleet Order 2007-A

Fleet Order 2006-C

To:     All TRMN personnel

From:    Commanding Officer 2nd Fleet

Re:     Awarding of the Queen’s Bravery Medal


During the Covid-19 quarantine April through May, almost every day SSG David ISAAK hosted an online game day. He organized, contacted, and made sure as many members who could were joining in to play. The main reason he did this was to make sure that everyone remained in good spirits during their isolation. He also was working at Cashwise food, a grocery store in Willmar, during this quarantine. Despite that stress he thought of his ship members, as well as the HMLAC members, first. 

For his actions showing the commitment to chapter and community we hope to see in all the Queen’s Navy, and in doing so going above and beyond the call of duty, SSG Isaak is hereby awarded the Queen’s Bravery Medal, and is therefore entitled to the post nominal letters of ‘QBM’.

The Tradition Lives!

Geoffrey Strayer, KDE, KR, SC, CGM, GS

Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN

Commanding Officer, Second (Gryphon) Fleet

Fleet Order 2007-A

Fleet Order 2006-B

To:     All TRMN personnel

From:    Commanding Officer 2nd Fleet

Re:     Awarding of the Queen’s Bravery Medal


1LT Thomas PAUKSTIS, RMMC, lives in the South side of Chicago where the riots and looting have been particularly bad. He also works at a large chain grocery store and continues to go into work despite the danger. Provided with offers of temporary relocation, 1LT Paukstis remains on the south side to take care of his parents. 1LT Paukstis is demonstrating the qualities above and beyond for his family and community in the face of Covid-19 and widespread Riots and destruction. 

For his actions showing the commitment to family and community we hope to see in all the Queen’s officers, and in doing so going above and beyond the call of duty, 1LT Paukstis is hereby awarded the Queen’s Bravery Medal, and is therefore entitled to the post nominal letters of ‘QBM’.

The Tradition Lives!

Geoffrey Strayer, KDE, KR, SC, CGM, GS

Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN

Commanding Officer, Second (Gryphon) Fleet

Fleet Order 2007-A

Fleet Order 2004-D

To:    All TRMN personnel

From:    Commanding Officer 2nd Fleet.

Re:    Supplemental Awards, Capricon 2020


These additional awards were intended to be issued concurrent with the Quarterly Awards, which has been delayed.

As such, I am issuing them at this time.

For actions in support of The Royal Manticoran Navy during Capricon 2020, the following awards are hereby presented:

Queen’s Bravery Medal

  • RADM Sherman DAY, RMN         HMS Demon

Conspicuous Bravery Medal

  • S2C Lisa Ann WIEDEMANN, RMN    HMS Demon

Thank you both for your exceptional actions in support of a successful convention operation.

The Tradition Lives!

Geoffrey Strayer, KDE, KR, SC, CGM, GS

Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN

Commanding Officer, Second (Gryphon) Fleet

Fleet Order 2007-A

Fleet Order 2004-C

To:    All TRMN personnel

From:    Commanding Officer 2nd Fleet.

Re:    Recognition of RADM Sherman Day


With the approval of the Flag Promotion Board and the Fifth Space Lord, and formal announcement by the First Lord of the Admiralty, it is my honor to announce the following promotion.

Commodore Sherman Day, KSK, GCE, SC, CGM, CBM has worked tirelessly on behalf of Task Force 22 since its inception in 2016. It is not inaccurate to say that he created the Task Force. In recognition of that feat, and his exemplary service to the Royal Manticoran Navy, it is my honor to announce that, effective 15 April, 2020, CDRE Day is promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral of the Red. You truly earned it.

Congratulations, Rear Admiral of the Red Day.

The Tradition Lives!

Geoffrey Strayer, KDE, KR, SC, CGM, GS

Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN

Commanding Officer, Second (Gryphon) Fleet