To: All TRMN personnel
From: Commanding Officer 2nd Fleet.
Re: Recognition of RADM Sherman Day
With the approval of the Flag Promotion Board and the Fifth Space Lord, and formal announcement by the First Lord of the Admiralty, it is my honor to announce the following promotion.
Commodore Sherman Day, KSK, GCE, SC, CGM, CBM has worked tirelessly on behalf of Task Force 22 since its inception in 2016. It is not inaccurate to say that he created the Task Force. In recognition of that feat, and his exemplary service to the Royal Manticoran Navy, it is my honor to announce that, effective 15 April, 2020, CDRE Day is promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral of the Red. You truly earned it.
Congratulations, Rear Admiral of the Red Day.
The Tradition Lives!
Geoffrey Strayer, KDE, KR, SC, CGM, GS
Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN
Commanding Officer, Second (Gryphon) Fleet